Confirmation 1


The sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated each Spring for students in our parish school and in our Parish Religious Education Program (P.R.E.P.). Students enrolled in private Catholic schools should contact the Director of Religious Education to make arrangements for Confirmation.

If you would like to learn more about our Parish School – CLICK HERE

If you would like to learn more about P.R.E.P. – CLICK HERE

Confirmation Sponsor

Those to be confirmed are to have a sponsor, who must meet the same requirements for a godparent at baptism. If possible, it is most appropriate for one of a person’s godparents to take the role of sponsor at confirmation.

If you need a letter of eligibility to become a sponsor – CLICK HERE

Baptized teens and adults who have never been confirmed should receive this sacrament as soon as possible, and ordinarily before being married. They are prepared for reception of this sacrament by the RCIA Program.

If you would like to learn more about our Parish RCIA Program – CLICK HERE