Ways to Give
Thank you for making your Parish Family your priority. We make a real difference in the lives of this local neighborhood and beyond. May God bless your generous tithe to The Church. May your financial sacrifice be a blessing to many. There are a few ways to make a financial donation for Resurrection Parish: Register for Envelopes that you can place in our donation baskets during any of our Sunday Masses. It is your weekly offering.Weekly Envelopes
Our contribution envelopes are for those who would like to physically place the offering in the weekly collection at Mass. This is a great way for those who use cash or checks to continue to make a financial offering towards the mission of the Church and the Gospel of Jesus. To register for parish envelopes – CLICK HERE
Electronic Giving
This is a great option for those who already do so many things online such as shopping and paying bills. It also helps our church to have consistent support from those who may go on vacation or miss coming to mass on a weekend. You can sign up for electronic giving with a credit card or a checking account. This is a highly secure way of giving. To join Electronic Giving – CLICK HERE
Single Donation
This a great option for someone who would like to use their credit card for a one time donation or an ongoing donation. You can even earmark your donation for a specific item, event or person in our Church. Everything is highly secure. To give a single donation now – CLICK HERE
Remembering Our Parish in Your Will
Remembering your parish family in your estate planning is a wonderful way to have your legacy last for generations. So many have been touched by this Parish and want the next generation to have the same opportunity to be a part of something great. Help to ensure Resurrection Parish’s future here in this neighborhood with your estate plan. To find out how to include Resurrection Parish in your will – CLICK HERE