The church was given to us by God so that we would not be alone in this world. Those in need come to the Church and find in Her a place of refuge. Resurrection Parish is a real force for charity here in this local neighborhood. Who do we encounter on almost a daily basis? The hungry, the homeless, the immigrant, the tired, the cold, the unemployed and underemployed, the hurting, the lonely and the forgotten. If the Church was not here – they would not find refuge.
Praise God, We are here! Because of the generous parishioners of Resurrection Parish and their financial commitment to keep this Parish as a cornerstone to the neighborhood – WE ARE HERE.
To donate to our St. Vincent DePaul account please call our Parish Office or CLICK HERE. This account allows us to do many things for people in need like assist with people’s rent, bills, and emergency needs.
Aid-For-Friends is a program we have here at the Parish where you can make homemade meals and place them in our parish freezer for anyone in need to take and enjoy. Even if your just making a little extra to freeze, every little bit goes to feeding the hungry locally in our neighborhood.
We also have a Parish Homebound Ministry which has many volunteers who check in on the neighbors who are sick or may even live alone. It is just a ministry where we can bring a friendly smiling face occasionally to someone who may otherwise be completely alone.
If you would like to volunteer for any of these vital parish ministries – CLICK HERE
Are You or Someone That You Know In Need?
There is no shame in asking for help. Everyone needs help from time to time. We may be able to assist you in your need. In the past we have been able to help with Rent Payments, Electric Bills, Gas Bills, Water Bills, Food, Emergency Shelter Placement, Emergency Disaster Relief, AA Meetings, NA Meetings, Temporary Housing, Employment Opportunities, Citizenship, Furniture, Hospital Bills, and Legal Help.
Of course all needs are individually evaluated and determined by our parish priests and staff. To see how our Church can help you or someone you know please fill out the form below: